Checks and Balances

Checks and balances....A day in the life of this queen is non-stop. My schedule is planned a month in advance. A full-time job, a full-time husband and sons, making time for family events, setting up 3 businesses, preparing our personal finances to buy a second home, photo shoots, fashion shows, content for the blog, getting on a social media schedule, scheduling clients for hair appointments, finding ways to increase my income and reduce debt, opening my online boutique, selling property, dealing with disgruntled family members and maintaining the few true friendships I have.  I'm forever planning, building, laying foundation, or maintaining something, and all the while with a smile. 

When do I find the time to balance this life? My peace is found in prayer. My balance is the small moments with my family laughing, cooking, sitting on my porch, listening to music with my husband, and remembering why I'm doing all this in the first place. To have a legacy to leave my children like my grandparents left for me. 
I love my life fully.  I wouldn't trade a day, a tear, a laugh or an experience. Every encounter has prepared me to deal with people, appreciate life, and build a kingdom. Everything I've walked thru was necessary for the Evolution of This Queen.


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